choreographic and conceptual work

In my choreographies I am interested in incidents of the „real“ world. Whether sadness, embarrassment, search for freedom, I am always looking for humanity, trying to find the joy in it and combining it with moving dance.

little things

This solo plays with the fine line between boredom and the joy that might arise from it.


premiere 12.05.2023 at Espace Ouvert, Montréal/Tiohtià:ke (CA)
dance, choreography
Milena Sundari

Photo: Vanessa Fortin

Bling Blang / a flying piece (working title)

The piece “bling blang / a flying piece” researches the theme of flying. The movement was curated through the questioning of why we leave and how we find freedom as well as birds and their behaviour while migrating. The result is a collage with four dancers who search to find vastness and freedom both individually and as a group.


premiere 12.05.2023 at Espace Ouvert, Montréal/Tiohtià:ke (CA)
Milena Sundari in collaboration with the dancers
dance Amélie Albert, Zenobia Cook, Alessia Moschettino, Kiera Whitla

Photo: Vanessa Fortin

friedhofen (verb)

| friedhofte | gefriedhoft |
beschreibt die Praxis eines trauernden Menschen auf dem Friedhof. Die tatsächlich sichtbare Aktion unterscheidet sich von Person zu Person.

Milena Sundari teilt in dieser Soloperformance ihren Umgang mit Trauer, Erinnerungen, dem Vergessen-Wollen und Weitermachen. Sie lädt das Publikum dazu ein, mit ihr in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen, zu lachen und zu weinen.

15.10.22 im Theater Expedition Metropolis, Berlin
Tanz, Choreographie
Milena Sundari
Outside Eyes Eliane Hutmacher, Tatjana Mahlke, Rachel Hameleers

Photo: Michael Priebe Fotografie Berlin

Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

#13 rückwärts

A full length play about how teenagers nowadays deal with german history.

premiere 27.01.2022 at Alte Feuerwache, Berlin
choreography Milena Sundari Nowak
performance Annika Horsch, David Weschke, Johanna Stevens, Lana Gansemer, Lotta Mayr
choreographic accompaniment Tatjana Mahlke
video/editing Felipa Goltz und Valentin Merk
sound Valentin Merk
light Max Fandrich
workshops JMB Atalya Laufer
artsitic coach Rachel Hameleers

rückwärts is an international cooperation between ACADEMY, the Jüdische Museum Berlin and Theater na de Dam.

VIDEO Vacation at home

What helds us together? How can we be alone together? Is a vacation at home possible?

This video was made in the first Corona lockdown in spring 2020. In this uncertain time, when everyone had to be alone at home, I had the urge to develop a collective project. I wanted to spread some joy, dance and art to the people who were locked in their own homes.

idea, concept, editing Milena Sundari Nowak
dance Sarah Ackermann, Karlotta Frank, Dario Lomeli, Anuschka Loose, Tatjana Mahlke, Milena Sundari Nowak, Lena Strützke




This project was realised in cooperation with the interdisciplinary collective Zookunft.Project in Winterthur, Switzerland. We developed a 3,5h performance museum on the theme zero.


premiere Juli 2021 at Altes Busdepot, Winterthur (CH)
concept and performance Zookunft.Project (Florian Briw, Franka Rosalie Feder, Tara Filter, Diogo Ribeiro Goncales Texeira de Almeida, Simon Hepner, Sui Thin Ip, Tatjana Mahlke, Ivan Guilio Minichiello, Milena Sundari Nowak, Hannah Juliane Steenbeck, Kofi Wahlen, Maureen Zollinger, Mirjam Jamuna Zweifel)
costume Tara Filter, Mirjam Jamuna Zweifel


Website Zookunft.Project

Ist das normal? (Arbeitstitel)

A duet about white privileges and the responsibilities that come with it.

premiere 06.05.2022 at ada studio Berlin
dance and choreography Milena Sundari and Tatjana Mahlke


Website A.PART festival


How much pressure do you need and when is it too much? When does a little push help you and when does a deadline freeze you? What opportunities does pressure offer and when does it simply become a burden?

premiere 15.10.2020 at Alte Feuerwache Berlin
choreography Milena Sundari Nowak and Tatjana Mahlke
Anna Steinberg, Bjela Eymann, Eleni Murkudis, Emilia Quiñones, Luna Caric
video Valentin Merk
coach Rachel Hameleers

#12 PPPressure – Parallele Perspektiven is enabled by the funding programme of Jonge Kunst and funded by Fonds Soziokultur (Bonn) and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie (Utrecht).